June 23, 2021
TT Weekly
Our Mission: To positively impact our team members and the communities we serve.
Thompson Thrift Highlights
Leadership Invests Time To Work Toward Vision 2025
Honoring the commitment to work toward Vision 2025, Executive Leaders invested last week to review plans established in 2019. The two days were full of information and discussion.
Industry News
In The News
Five Things Every Multifamily Investor Needs to Consider this Year – NMHC/Marcus & Millichap (June 2021)
- Special NMHC update produced by Marcus & Millichap. Slides summarize macro trends thus far in recovery and point toward a “Roaring ‘20s” expansion.
- Opportunity to work from home has increased people’s need for a workspace where they live, sparking increased demand for larger-format apartments and driving three-bedroom apartment vacancy rates to record-low in first quarter of 2021.
- Younger workers just beginning their career prefer to be at the office, where they can develop their careers and receive adequate training. Many more senior-level personnel prefer working from home at least part of the week.
- Vacancy rates in downtown locations rose substantially at beginning of economic shutdown, while suburban apartment demand has remained positive.
- Trends are also driving migration southward toward cities young adults perceive as having a lower cost of living and higher-quality life.
In The News
Note from NMHC on CDC Eviction Moratorium Extension – NMHC
- Biden Administration announced a one-month extension of CDC’s federal eviction moratorium through July 31, 2021. Announcement also confirms this will be the last extension.
- As NMHC has advocated, Administration will undertake a government-side effort to expedite distribution of the $46 mil. in emergency rental assistance appropriated by Congress to residents and housing providers. Chief among the measures are bulk payments, reducing confusion, burdens and delays, and identifying guaranteed best practices.
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Company News
Living Well
Health Screenings—Offices outside Indiana, Jobsites and Watermark Properties
As a reminder, Health Screenings are going on now through May 31st. We conduct Health Screenings each year as part of our ongoing wellness initiative “Living Well.” These screenings are free of cost to team members. If you haven’t already, you will receive an email with a voucher from Labcorp to get your health screening along with instructions on how to set up your appointment. After your screening, you will receive an email to set up your virtual health coaching appointment to review your results. If you have any questions, please reach out to Holly Winkler.
Mother's Day
Let’s Celebrate our Thompson Thrift Moms!
We know this past year was challenging for everyone. Parents (especially mothers) had to find ways to adjust and overcome many challenges while balancing work and home-life. We recognize that dedication and want to celebrate YOU. Please send a photo of you with your kids (or fur babies) to Lily Tikijian by the end of the day on Friday, April 30th to be included in a special Mother’s Day presentation. We will use the photos in a video collage on our social media pages and throughout ScreenCloud in our corporate oces and Watermark properties. Happy early Mother’s Day!
A Day in the Life
Innovation Hour with Beverly Vilog and Ben Daniels—April 27
Want to learn about a day in the life of a Community Manager and a Service Manager? Join us via Teams on April 27th as Beverly and Ben from Watermark at Jordan Creek share some insights into the day-to-day life at our properties. Contact Renee Turner for more information.
People and Operations
New Team Members
We're excited to announce the following new team members.
Ryan Hoffman
Assistant Community Manager at The Wyatt by Watermark
We're excited to announce the following promotions within our team.
Brad Bisser
Senior Vice President, Property Management
Jessica Tuttle
Vice President of Development - West Region
John Smith
Assistant Superintendent for Grand Rapids, Beltline (Meeder Flats in Michigan)
Heather Springfield
Leasing Consultant for Watermark at Grand Central Park
Team Member Referral Bonus
Refer a Friend
Tell your friends that Thompson Thrift is hiring. For each referral candidate who is hired, the referring employee will receive $XXX. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. View our open positions to see if someone might be a good fit.
Training & Development
Leader Training
Frontline Leader Training with Kelley School of Business
Did you know that our Frontline Leaders have the most contact with our clients, residents, and vendors, and they are responsible for managing over 250 team members in our organization? This is why we call this group of team members "frontline" and why it is vital that these individuals reflect Living the Core and continue to cultivate excellence in their management responsibilities.
Talent Management
Introducing Bridge
We are excited to announce that we have chosen Bridge as our talent management platform to host our goal-setting & performance review processes. It is a very straightforward, easy-to-use, robust tool. Bridge is a talent and learning system that will also replace Litmos by the end of the year. However, we don't want to overwhelm anyone with this new technology so we plan to introduce the platform one piece at a time over the next several months. We will first use Bridge in our mid-year performance reviews.
IT Tip of the Week
Tip: Using Office web apps in your browser
Office web apps are a handy feature to take advantage of in a pinch. In many cases they can do the majority of the work that the full desktop applications can. In the case of an Office program having an issue, you can take advantage of the web version of Office to get you by.
2025 Holiday Schedule
Friday, January 31
–New Year's Eve
Saturday, May 31
–Memorial Day
Friday, July 4
–Independence Day
Monday, September 1
–Labor Day
Thursday, November 27
Friday, November 28
–Day After Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 24
–Christmas Eve
Our Business Units
Did You Know?
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Company Calendar
Find the latest Thompson Thrift holidays, events, and training development dates on our company calendar.
Editorial Submission
Have an idea for the next weekly?
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